Friseure in Paderborn

Gabriele Zellerhoff

Gabriele Zellerhoff

Gabriele Zellerhoff © All rights reserved Datenschutz| Impressum

For your nicer life.


Every hair is different. But whether thickly or thinly, whether flatly or curly, whether coloured or natural, whether briefly or long whether strains or quite normally - one they have in common: They need a care which recognises what they are: Individualists. We do not speak with pleasure of it, but some candidates suffer from fatty strands from being quiet completely itch or scales, from scanty hair.

We have taken care of the different nursing cases - namely with a system which reacts adaptably to the individual needs.

Our scalp and hair care orientates itself by the development stages of the hair, strengthens and supports the natural life rhythm and compensates defects in the hair root care.

Whether they are smooth or wavy, thickly or well, excessively or rather scanty, only our genetic code determines. And he is also responsible for the colour of hair with which we are blest, and at early time for the first grey strands. Unfortunately, nothing is becausede.

However, one can change something in the state of the hair, he should leave much to be desired then. He is determined predominantly by food, state of health and in particular care.

Fine hair treatment Highlight for strong Hair

Hair Care   -   Wisdom, Knowledge, Information

Microscope image of a human hair

Microscope image of a human hair

We make Heads.

Gabriele Zellerhoff

For your nicer life.